No. | Name of Guidebook | Link |
1. | Guidebook of Academic in FTTE UNS | download |
2. | Guidebook of Curiculum in Physics Education | download |
3. | Guidebook of MBKM | download |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | 02053112009 | Pancasila | Link |
2 | 02053112010 | Bahasa Indonesia | Link |
3 | 02053132003 | Perkembangan Peserta Didik / Development of Learners | Link |
4 | 02053142001 | English for Academic Purposes | Link |
5 | 02053132001 | Ilmu Kependidikan / Educational Science | Link |
6 | 02053143002 | Matematika Dasar / Basic Mathematics | Link |
7 | 02053143008 | Alat Ukur dan Instrumentasi / Measuring Instruments and Instrumentation | Link |
8 | 02053143004 | Mekanika Newton, Fluida, dan Kalor / Newtonian Mechanics, Fluids, and Heat | Link |
9 | 02053141033 | Praktikum Mekanika Newton, Fluida, dan Kalor / Experiment of Newtonian Mechanics, Fluids, and Heat | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1. | 02053212003 | Pendidikan Agama Islam / Islamic Education | Link |
2. | 02053212006 | Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Christian Education | Link |
3. | 02053212008 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan / Civics Education | Link |
4. | 02053232004 | Pendidikan Inklusi / Inclusion Education | Link |
5. | 02053232002 | Bimbingan Konseling / Guidance and Counseling | Link |
6. | 02053243005 | Listrik dan Magnet / Electricity and Magnetism | Link |
7. | 02053241034 | Praktikum Listrik dan Magnet / Experiment of Electricity and Magnetism | Link |
8. | 02053243006 | Deret dan Bilangan Kompleks / Series and Complex Numbers | Link |
9. | 02053242007 | Astronomi / Astronomy | Link |
10. | 02053243003 | Statistika Dasar / Basic Statistics | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | 02053142009 | Teknologi Pembelajaran Fisika / Technologies of Physics Learning | Link |
2 | 02053142025 | Evaluasi Pembelajaran Fisika / Evaluation of Physics Learning | Link |
3 | 02053142011 | Strategi Pembelajaran Fisika / Strategy of Physics Learning | Link |
4 | 02053143012 | Elektromagnetika / Electromagnetics | Link |
5 | 02053143013 | Gelombang / Waves | Link |
6 | 02053143014 | Mekanika / Mechanics | Link |
7 | 02053143015 | Differensial dan Integral Vektor / Differentials and Integrals of Vectors | Link |
8 | 02053142016 | Elektronika Analog / Analog Electronics | Link |
9 | 02053141035 | Praktikum Elektronika Analog / Experiment of Analog Electronics | Link |
10 | 02053143017 | Media Animasi Pembelajaran Fisika / Animation Media of Physics Learning | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | 02053242018 | Pengelolaan Kelas Digital / Digital Classroom Management | Link |
2 | 02053242019 | Termodinamika / Thermodynamics | Link |
3 | 02053241036 | Praktikum Fisika Lanjut / Experiment of Advance Physics | Link |
4 | 02053243010 | Perencanaan Pembelajaran Fisika / Planning of Physics Learning | Link |
5 | 02053243020 | Pendahuluan Fisika Zat Padat / Introduction of Solid Matter Physics | Link |
6 | 02053243022 | Fungsi Khusus dan Matriks Ruang Vektor / Special Function and Matrix Vector Space | Link |
7 | 02053242032 | Optik / Optics | Link |
8 | 02053242024 | Elektronika Digital / Digital Electronics | Link |
9 | 02053241037 | Eksperimen Elektronika Digital / Experiment of Digital Electronics | Link |
10 | 02053242065 | Pengantar Komputasi dan Metode Numerik / Introduction to Computation and Numerical Methods | Link |
11 | 02053243021 | Fisika Modern / Modern Physics | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | 02053143027 | Fisika Statistik / Statistical Physics | Link |
2 | 02053143028 | Metodologi Penelitian / Research Methodology | Link |
3 | 02053243023 | Fisika Kuantum / Quantum Physics | Link |
4 | 02053143030 | Pendahuluan Fisika Inti / Introduction of Nuclear Physics | Link |
5 | 02053143031 | Bahasa Inggris Fisika / English of Physics | Link |
6 | 02053112003 | Kewirausahaan / Entrepreneurship | Link |
7 | 02053152001 | Manajemen Pembelajaran Fisika / Physics Learning Management | Link |
8 | 02053152022 | Evaluasi Program Pendidikan / Educational Program Evaluation | Link |
9 | 02053152012 | Persamaan Differensial Partial dan Fungsi Kompleks / Partial Differential Equation and Complex Function | Link |
10 | 02053152005 | Konversi Energi / Energy Conversion | Link |
11 | 02053152020 | Optoelektronika / Optoelectronics | Link |
12 | 02053152006 | Prakarya Elektronika / Electronics Works | Link |
13 | 02053152007 | Astrofisika / Astrophysics | Link |
14 | 02053152021 | Penulisan Karya Ilmiah / Scientific Writing | Link |
15 | 02053152026 | Marketing Plan | Link |
16 | 02053152029 | Magang Dunia Industri / Industrial Internship | Link |
17 | 02053152024 | Pembinaan Kelompok Ilmiah Remaja (KIR) / Youth Science Club Coaching | Link |
18 | 02053152023 | Pembinaan Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) / National Science Olympiad Coaching | Link |
19 | 02053152011 | Pengukuran Pendidikan / Measurement of Education | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | BB1714601 | Pengajaran Mikro / Microteaching | Link |
2 | 02053252019 | Manajemen Sekolah / School Management | Link |
3 | 02053252004 | Asesmen Pembelajaran Fisika / Assessment of Physics Learning | Link |
4 | 02053252009 | Pengembangan Profesi Guru Fisika / Professional Development of Physics Teachers | Link |
5 | 02053252010 | Fisika Material / Material Physics | Link |
6 | 02053252015 | Statistik Terapan / Applied Statistics | Link |
7 | 02053252017 | Fisika Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan / Physics of Vocational School | Link |
8 | 02053252002 | IPA Terpadu / Integrated Science | Link |
9 | 02053252008 | Pengantar Kebumian dan Mitigasi Bencana / Introduction of Earth and Disaster Mitigation | Link |
10 | 02053252003 | Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer / Computer-Based Learning media | Link |
11 | 02053252030 | Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Mainan Edukasi / Game-Based Learning Media and Educational Toys | Link |
12 | 02053252028 | Penyimpanan Energi / Energy Storage | Link |
13 | 02053252013 | Dinamika Media Pembelajaran / Dynamics of Learning Media | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | 02123354018 | Modul Nusantara / Nusantara Module | Link |
2 | 02223144066 | Pengenalan Lapangan Pesekolahan (PLP) / Internship Teacher Preparation | Link |
3 | BB1212703 | Kuliah Kerja Nyata / Community Service Program | Link |
4 | 02053142033 | Pengelolaan Laboratorium / Laboratory Management | Link |
5 | 02053243032 | Laboratorium Fisika / Physics Laboratory | Link |
6 | 01205335301 | Literasi Digital / Digital Literacy | Link |
7 | 02053353014 | Personal Branding | Link |
No. | Code of Subject | Name of Subject | Link of Lesson Plan |
1 | KB1711859 | Skripsi / Thesis | Link |