No. | Name of Partner Institution | Title of Cooperation | Benefit | Duration | Link |
1. | National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan | Student Exchange | Improving collaborative research between lecturers and students | 5 years (9th, September 2020 – 9th, September 2025) | Tautan |
2. | University Putra Malaya | The Field of Education | Improving the quality of learning in the field of pure science | 5 years (16th, November, 2021 – 16th, November, 2026) | Tautan |
3. | University Malaya | Academic Cooperation | Improving cooperation in the academic and educational fields | 5 years (14th, October, 2021 – 14th, October, 2026) | Tautan |
4. | Thepsatri Rajabhat University Lop Buri, Thailand | Academic Cooperation | To strenghten mutual understanding, to foster friendly cooperation, and to promote academic collaboration | 5 years (9th, August, 2016 – 9th, August, 2021) | Tautan |
5. | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | Kuliah Pakar Internasional Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Sekolah Rendah di Negara Brunei Darussalam | Improve excellent services in the implementation of education to ensure the quality and relevance of graduates | 6 years (5th, June, 2017 – 5th, June, 2022) | Tautan |
6. | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Exchange of Students, Exchange of Staff, Exchange of Publications, Collaborative Research and Teaching Programs, Cooperation in other Areas | Exchange of students, exchange of staff, exchange of publications, collaborative research and teaching programs, cooperation in other areas | 5 years (26th, November, 2019 – 26th, November, 2024) | Tautan |
7. | Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization – Regional Open Learning Centre (SEAMEO SEAMOLEC) | Kerjasama Pengembangan Program Pendidikan Berbasis TIK dan Kerjasama dengan Jejaring Mitra Para Pihak Baik Jejaring Mitra Nasional dan Jejaring Mitra Internasional | Improving institutional relationships to be able to support each other in cooperation in the development of ICT competency improvement programs for FKIP UNS and cooperation with the network of partners of the parties | 1 year (23rd, September, 2021 – 23rd, September, 2022) | Tautan |
8. | Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia | The Field of Education | Education cooperation to serve their common | 5 years (29th, October, 2019 – 29th, October, 2024) | Tautan |
9. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceva, Romania | The Curriculum of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Promotion at School | Developing and implementing learning media for children with special needs | 5 years (12nd, September, 2022 – 12nd, November, 2027) | Tautan |
10. | Dong-A University, Republic of Korea | Smart Cities (Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities For Research) | Promote academic exchange and research collaboration | 5 years (16th, April, 2024 – 16th, April, 2029) | Tautan |
No. | Name of Partner Institution | Tittle of Cooperation | Benefit | Duration | Link |
1. | King Mongkuts Institute Of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok Thailand | Education, Research, Management, Community Service | Empowering excellent services in the implementation of education and research | 5 years (5th, June, 2018 – 5th, June, 2023) | Tautan |
2. | Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea | Exchange Faculty Memberss, Exchange of Students, Joint Research, Exchange of Academic Materials, Special Short-Term Academic Programs | To increase exchange faculty memberss, Exchange of students, joint research, exchange of academic materials, special short-term academic programs | 5 years (3rd, January, 2020 – 3rd, January, 2025) | Tautan |
3. | Marshall Cavendish Education | Implementing the Three Pillars of Higher Education | Provide teaching solutions to improve the implementation of the three pillars of higher education | 5 years (28th, December, 2021 – 28th, December, 2026) | Tautan |
4. | Universite’ du Littorral Cote d Opale (ULCO), France | Exchange of Information Related to Scientific Activities for the Common Interest, Promotion of Special Scientific Activities Funded Internationally, Student and Staff Exchanges, Cultural Project Cooperation, Study Visits | Improving the exchange of information related to scientific activities for the common good, promotion of special scientific activities that are funded internationally | 5 years (3rd, January, 2018 – 3rd, January, 2023) | Tautan |
5. | National Changhua University of Education Taiwan | Human Resource Development in the Field of Education, Research, and Community Service through the Development of Computer Information Technology | Empowering skills in journal writing, speakers in seminars, in the field of education | 5 years (9th, September, 2020 – 9th, September, 2025) | Tautan |
6. | University Malaya | Academic Cooperation | Improving cooperation in collaborative research of study programs | 5 years (14th, October, 2021 – 14th, October, 2026) | Tautan |
7. | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Exchange of Students, Exchange of Staff, Exchange of Publications, Collaborative Research and Teaching Programs, Cooperation in other Areas | Exchange of students, exchange of staff, exchange of publications, collaborative research and teaching programs, cooperation in other areas | 5 years (6th, November, 2019 – 6th, November, 2024) | Tautan |
8. | Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines | Education, Research, Academic Service Activities, and Student Development Activities In Areas of Mutual Interest | Student exchange, faculty members and staff exchange, cultural exchange, jointly development, and exchange of academic information and other academic resources | 5 years (2nd, August, 2021 – 2nd, August, 2026) | Tautan |
9. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceva, Romania | The Curriculum of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Promotion at School | Developing and implementing learning media for children with special needs | 5 years (12nd, September, 2022 – 12nd, September, 2027) | Tautan |
10. | Dong-A University, Republic of Korea | Smart Cities (Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities For Research) | Promote academic exchange and research collaboration | 5 years (16th, April, 2024 – 16th, April, 2029) | Tautan |
No. | Name of Partnership Institution | Tittle of Cooperation | Benefit | Duration | Link |
1. | Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea | Exchange faculty members, Exchange of students, joint research, exchange of academic materials, special short-term academic programs | Exchange faculty members, Exchange of students, joint research, exchange of academic materials, special short-term academic programs | 5 years (3rd, January, 2020 – 3rd, January, 2025) | Tautan |
2. | King Mongkut’s Institute Of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok Thailand | Humanitarian Project | Improving the implementation of the student exchange program for humanitarian projects | 5 years (5th, June, 2018 – 5th, June, 2023) | Tautan |
3. | Institut für Biochemie – Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften – Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) | Scholarly interaction, cooperative research, and other forms of academic collaboration | Receive educational visits, collaborative research, exchange of academic publication, and other forms of cooperation | 5 years (23rd, September, 2016 – 3rd, September, 2021) | Tautan |
4. | Marshall Cavendish Education | Implementing the three pillars of higher education | Provide teaching solutions to improve the implementation of the three pillars of higher education | 5 years (28th, December, 2021 – 28th, December, 2026) | Tautan |
5. | Yamaguchi University | Implementing the three pillars of higher education | Improving cooperation in the humanitarian field in the context of humanitarian service | 5 years (11st, October, 2019 – 11st, October, 2022) | Tautan |
6. | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Joint Research, Academic, Publication, Staff and Student Exchange, Workshop | Improving journal writing, speakers in seminars, in the field of education | 5 years (6th, November, 2019 – 6th, November, 2024) | Tautan |
7. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceva, Romania | The Curriculum of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Promotion at School | Developing and implementing learning media for children with special needs | 5 years (12nd, September, 2022 – 12nd, September, 2027) | Tautan |
8. | Dong-A University, Republic of Korea | Smart Cities (Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities For Research) | Promote academic exchange and research collaboration | 5 years (16th, April, 2024 – 16th, April, 2029) | Tautan |
No. | Name of Partnership Institution | Title of Cooperation | Benefit | Duration | Link |
1. | Xihua University, China | Implementation of cooperation in the development of the Confucius Institute at UNS | Improving excellent services in the implementation of education to ensure the quality and relevance of graduates | 5 tahun (3 Agustus 2018 – 31 Juli 2023) | Tautan |
2. | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Guest Lecture | Improving the Optimization of Scientific Development of Postgraduate Students | 5 tahun (26 November 2019 – 26 November 2024) | Tautan |
3. | Chung-Ang University, Republic of Korea | Education, Research, Community Service, Human Resource Development | Providing services and optimizing Scientific Development in the Field of Learning | 5 tahun (3 Januari 2020 – 3 Januari 2025) | Tautan |
4. | Universiti Brunei Darussalam | Guest Lecture, International Expert Lecture on Curriculum Implementation in Brunei | Increasing academic cooperation and institutional development | 5 tahun (5 Juni 2017 – 5 September 2022) | Tautan |
5. | National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan | Student Exchange | To Increase and Promote student exchange | 5 tahun (9 September 2020 – 9 September 2025) | Tautan |
6. | Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia | The field of education | Education cooperation to serve their common | 5 tahun (29 Oktober 2019 – 29 Oktober 2024) | Tautan |
7. | Faculty of Educational Sciences, Stefan Cel Mare University of Suceva, Romania | The Curriculum of Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Promotion at School | Developing and implementing learning media for children with special needs | 5 tahun (12 September 2022 – 12 September 2027) | Tautan |
8. | AEVEC and IEEE Indonesia Section | Education Conference | To guide and direct the parties respecting their affiliation during the Annual Engineering and Vocational Education Conference. | 5 tahun (2 Juni 2021 – 2 Juni 2026) | Tautan |
9. | Dong-A University, Republic of Korea | Smart Cities (Brain Korea 21 Fostering Outstanding Universities For Research) | Promote academic exchange and research collaboration | 5 tahun (16 April 2024 – 16 April 2029) | Tautan |
10. | University of Houston | Education | Education cooperation to serve their common | 5 tahun (1 Oktober 2021 – 1 Oktober 2026) | Tautan |