FKIP UNS Students Share Experiences in Disseminating the Registration of the PMM Program Batch 2 Kemdikbud, Research and Technology RI
FKIP – Students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta had the opportunity to share their stories and experiences in participating in the Independent Student Exchange Program (PMM) Merdeka Learning Campus (MBKM) in the Socialization of Registration for the PMM Program Batch 2 on Wednesday (11/5/2022). He is Yokanang Chandra Arfiansyah from the Natural Sciences Education Study Program (IPA) FKIP UNS.
The Socialization Activity for the Registration of the PMM Program Batch 2 was held online by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud Ristek RI) through the Youtube channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This socialization is open to all students in Indonesia who want to use their right to study outside their home study program and higher education through the PMM Program Batch 2.
The socialization was carried out by Nadiem Anwar Makarim, BA, MBA (Minister of Education and Culture Research and Technology RI), Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, Asean Eng. (Plt. Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology), and Ir. Dwi Larso, MSIE, Ph.D. (Director of LPDP RI Scholarship).
After the socialization session was over, the activity continued with a discussion session on experiences from PMM Alumni Batch 1. In the session, Yokanang and another PMM alumnus, Andi Husniatuzzahra from Pattimura University, shared their stories and experiences in participating in the PMM Batch 1 Program.
On that occasion, he said that he was happy with the experience of PMM Batch 1 that he had gone through at Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi.
“I am happy to meet fellow students from all over the archipelago who are very welcoming. At Tadulako University, we became friends inside and outside the classroom. You can also feel the togetherness with your dorm mates. I learned about various cultures, such as the Mokambu Dance. Central Sulawesi also has rich nature such as the Donggala Sea and historical relics such as the oldest megalithic site in Indonesia, namely Lore Lindu,” said Yokanang.
Furthermore, Yokanang also admitted that by participating in the PMM Program Batch 1, he became more daring to get out of his comfort zone. From that experience, he also got the opportunity to explore his youth.
“I have been exploring myself in this youth, learning to be a leader, learning to be more open, and honing tolerance within the framework of Indonesian unity. Because Indonesia is very diverse, we understand and respect each other’s different cultures,” said Yokanang.
He added that by participating in the PMM Program Batch 1, he was able to establish relationships between students and the wider community. Not only academic memories, friendship, and cultural richness, Yokanang admitted that he also experienced culinary exchanges.
“In addition to getting academic memories, friendships, and cultural riches, I also experienced culinary exchanges. Central Sulawesi has a very diverse cuisine. Such as palumara with spicy yellow spices, chili roa typical of the shores of Palu Bay, fried onions typical of Palu, also kaledo or beef leg dishes in Donggala. The food is very delicious, “said Yokanang.
The PMM Batch 2 program opens opportunities for students to take part in learning at campuses in Indonesia as an effort to strengthen and expand competence, national insight, love for the homeland, and an understanding of diversity and tolerance. Non-vocational students in semesters 3, 5, and 7 can learn information related to PMM on the official website of the Independent Student Exchange (
Public Relations of FKIP
Reporter: Rosantika Utami
Editor: Aulia Anjani